The News Tribune from Tacoma, Washington (2024)

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HMlttiCar Mu mi Cart ImpteyniMt Often -lalartedHriy RmRteynitllt OffGTS mptoynwiit Offdrs SalartodHfty CIO The Morning News Tribune Tuesday April 10 1990 Empleviwdnl Offers Remind ftervted 303 OpMmmlfi JOBS NOW NIRINGHI Bath skilled unskilled workers needed In yaur area 01500 la 47000 plus benefit of currant labs ap-pflcatloa la apply from bam call 1415314409 Ext J-023 HERBAL! Independent DIstrlNwtar far product ar aapsrtuiilfy call 501-7213 WVRSTMENTft Interested In PT ar FT warfc la Investments and Insurance? training CeH54730l Dan ENTRY LEVEL Muttl-bllllen dollar affiliate Indl- vfduets far KlngPIs Ce expansion This Is an fry level position leading fa management within 4-9 mas Complete training outstanding income If yeu have strong personal financial a prof appearance are call te pi vii vppuw uiiuu i ready fa start Immad far appt 9-1 pm Wav 952-2400 Federal INN axpai ta lith aft ice Need 4 key paopla mangmnt suprysrs S0K bonuses Please call Cols 051-310 MGR TRAINEE Oil ta start New company expanding In local area Ni exp necessary Trained In saws market ft mgmt Full tlmoparf Wmo 502-315 NEED A JOB FAST? could be lust a caM away don't lese another week's pay Far an average of 099 ta 099 receive info that could save you thousands In last Incam CaH S4 hr 7 davtwaak 1-900-349-JOBS NEED CASH? Wanted: dancers hast par sen Na nudity roq nor exp will train Apply In Onight 3042 Steliacaom Bivd SW H1-43H sen naon-mldnig NEED key people far expand Ing lnt'l company 0k ompany banusa Evans 1-074-4319 NO DIPLOMA REQUIRED Immediate vacande If you are 17 ar alder quality wa will start you at 0734 par month while you learn a sfclH Bonuses far students graduate Call the Army National Guard: 197-4104 ar 597-4105 PAID TRAINING 10 paopla ta fill positions with the Army National Guard as truck driver CaH far an ap-pelntmont: 140 440 040-4407 POSTAL SERVICE lobs Salary to S45K Nationwide Entry level petitions Call 1407-400Ext p-wm PRIOR MILITARY: Wb need qualified paopla In mechanic cooks and truck driving ipocMtfes and wa are willing ta train Racatva military and retirement benefit Call the Army National Guard: 5974450 or 039900 TAXI driver FT FT yr ar elder gd driving record 5050 ssilf paid dally Diana 7S53M1 Mam-Opn no answer Pan I72-155Q TRAVELTRAVEL GIRLS GUYS NATIONAL Arm has openings far several neat enthusiastic paopla ta assist mo In my Nationwide Travel Program Na experience needed but must be able fa start immsdi atoty Travel to US cities re sort area High pay IllTSwk Jiuaranteed) ft casual condl-ions make this desirable far the younger set Transportation provided return trip guaranteed For Immediate can Mr Tort 922055 n-Spm Men-Frl far interview Parents wefcoma at interview TV SHOW'S farces axpansian need key paopla in training fter supervisory skill S35K call far Information 9524153 VINYL SIDING APPLICATORS $200 BONUS On completion of (o must have truck eqpf Jim Banks 1-725-115 1-000-421-5407 WANTED DANCERS HOSTESSES WAIT PERSONS Gat a ab that can earn you the money far a new car or 1 yaur ceilego I have fun of the same time Earn SH0 par day Call 500-9500 from 1-0 pm ar came In KITTENS IQM South Tacoma Wav WANT ta be yaur awn bass? you're sari aw caH 47937 Men-Frl 5M amM' 4J0 pm Wa train support you WELDER APPRENTICE Excel lent opportunity far HS grad 1B40 years ok Goad salarybonoflts and paid training Must relocate Tap physical condition CaH Men-Frl toll frt 9AM-3PM 1405 542-9092 (WA) 1-00424-3452 (IOMTAK) $100 A DAY Beverage Servers Woman encouraged fa apply aver Na ax necessary 537-102 Mon -Sat 12om-Qpm $39500 A DAY WORK AT HOME 1-904544255 Ext OM Listing 7 days 14 tell fee Modeling 304 attractive girls years older can earn tap pay in glamour photography Far mare Into call 31-5172 Rom me So nr lea 305 Abate Pear Results wa Pro RESUME S9UP SAME DAY SERVICE Professional Resume Service Nationwide since 1950 MCVISA 10307 Bridgeport Way 501-7913 31220 Pacific Hwv 1-041-0112 ED BAGLEY QUALITY RESUMES 21 Ynn WrlNnp Eaparianca 565-6484 People Advertising Distinctive Resumes Personalised Cover Letter Eve-Wknd Service Available Word'sWorth Ads 140910 Trai E3L 302 Sinking Need A Good Job? AFTER ONLY 4 WEEKS Training yea'll be ompieynble el a feed ilsry as a BANK TELLER aay working Bank haurs In yaur vary IMPORTANT JOB and Nava a SKILL yaw cm always Over I OH grads banking In tlws area CALL TODAY AND SAVE SSSS 5844180 TELLER TRAINING INSTITUTE BARTENDING ACADEMY 1 OR I WEEK COURSE DAY OR EVE CLASSES EMPLOYMENT Assistance CALL NOWI S37-WSS CUSTODIAL TRAINING Starts April 17 Learn Rear care equipment operation use at chemicals and many ether fed skills Financial aid and veterans benefits available far qualified applicants CaH BATES today SOUTH DRIVER TRAINING TRANS-UNION 3-4 Wuk Program Day I Eva Claim DOT Cartllicatlon a Financing Avail To All a No Waiting a start Immadlataly 922-2014 TRAVEL CAREER TRAINING Day Evening Classes Placement Assistance Financing Avsliablo Travel Training Institute Training sos-saft 303 Oppirtunlttes A AVON a beautiful way to H4-1IH aero mit par Naur 14511 ADVENTURE TRAININGI TravaL training and expenses paid pfut extra Income CaH the Army National Guard: 511409 or 5B144W A PUN JOE AT NOME Variety UONIHt weakly PT-PT 1-IN EH ext anytime AIRLINE JOBS 1-909S4-22S5 Ext 404 Flight Attendants HSK Ticket Agents S32K Customer Service S19K Listing 7 dvs HI toll fee AIRLINE POSITIONS Flight AttondowtisH ground position Local area Entry level Will train Far appllca-non call 1-(3C3)-937-7779 AIRLINES NOW HIRING Flight Attendant Travel Agent Mechanic Customer Service Listings Salaries to IMSK Entry level positions CaH 14054700 Ext A-MM AVON New Interviewing free training Small starting fee Earn up to 50 471-770 EE SMUT ARY Infofllgoncel We Neve openings far linguist Upon successful camplatlen of training you will speak fluent Korean Russian Chinese Receive college credit be eligible tor up Is SISK In tuition assistance Army Na-Mona! Guard 513434 5973054 CARSVAN TRUCKS UNDER SHI 1-900-331-3344 axtn 151 lam-Mam 7 dv ill fee DANCERS We era the largest Dance Club Circuit In the Nation Call us today about yaur Career an Stage Travel option training Benefit a voile Ns xc surrounding mont dknfak Ni for all NW location A shifts aveil-PT FT CaH today for yaur Interview Fad Wav DANCERS EARN UP TO 1200DAY Tacoma's 1 nightclub Fexe Is new Wring dancer 10 aver na exp necessary fun part flms avail Call 182 Man-Sat ilam-Opm DANCERS hiring ta 10 yr i all shift day ec win train good money potential friendly stiff good clientele CaH ipm-lipm 503-905! ar step by New Players Chib 1H2I elite Hwv SW Lakewood EARN SB OH MO processing HUDFHA refund no eiptr once necessary 1-701-775 RXCRLLENT wages far spare Eat iaey work at needed Can 1-50441-777 Ext 1133 Open 04 hour Including Sunday GOVERNMENT JOBS lt0H 159230 year Now hiring CaH 1-005-407-400 Ext R-MM3 current federal list GOVERNMENT Jab 11705 179250 WA area MDW-Wt ext 499 Inm-dem 012 tea GOVERNMENT JOBSI New hiring in yaur area bath skilled and unskilled Far a currant list of labs and application call U15-301-1017 Ext P-241 GOVERNMENT ab FT PT available Recorded mtssaa (503) 990-302 NIRBALIPR INDEPENDENT Distributor far products ar opportunity call 59M140 16500 9k Where A TICKET A GATE A RAMP A FLIGHT JOIN US Over IAA and In airline placement 2 318 Drafting SUPERVISOR MMtad with grad krawtedt- gf URC A dkd MRMte nt rad idantld enndructlra Light cwiunnrclni Imnwtedgn hdp-M I yrs np eantuct a M-F: l-WMIM DRIVER DRIVRIMtelrateuni Iraaipart 1 OlymRlc Faalaiula araa land mum npucted hrly mw TNT Roa MUM Tara-ma WAte4ll DRIVERS ArrHuHmm mm Mn lakra ter charily arranliallan route drlvart ArrMcmI mould ba RkyilcaWy Ml and akla te mark Raalkte kaun ood lolurday Fay tlarH Ror haur Only nrlnw Rnnona nand aRRiy IHO RrMaaRort Way SIR DRIVRRi CASH RAID DAILY Atk abaul aur aaw hlhur kanua RMlnaia It boominu am te IN hr Flus cam award! ter late drlyhiR la da DltW a wadko MuM kt Mb havo car A lamr Call Fla-a Hut Dallvary 127 134 DRIVRRI: CASH PAID DAILY Aik abaul uur nuw Muhtr buiHM SuMnate la kaarnlnf aarn te IM kr Rhn aara mh award! Mr Hte drlln In at IHIte ai wddkL MuM bd Mb hdvd car A Imur Call Fliiu Hut Dallvary MUMS DRIVERS Mud hu yrs dd huvu uwn Mhldt A iMurunra Apply it Rrawury City Filin SMI Arldounart Wny ON-CALL DRIVERS Raadvmy Package Systems has an lmmodkk need tor dally on-call fomporaryi package von drivers ta warn aut of aur Kent terminal Candidates must have 1 year commercial driving ex per I-anc be ever II and must bring DOT medical card STSday Contact: 8754954 ROADWAY PACKAGE SYSTEMS INC DRIVRRS Wanted Itedd tena- namlcnl car 117 aor daHv-ar UO-teOI aik ter Fate DRIVRRS WANTED Fills Eipratt ItSM Rrldgaparl wav swMi-am DRIVRRS Wall as I ce new Wring owner operator 1 yr driving exp wgaad driving record WIH be operating lead interstate moves of container flatbed ft trailer Weekly settlement casualty liability insurance nvalK abk wnathing dawn ar upfront faa Fuel avatkbk af cast wwaakty deductable 3053434747 1405324-4045 tor carnal details Immad hire DRYWALL hangar taper laborers Marriott Hotel BoHovuoSoattk 1-40M04 DRYWALL hangars taper hourly steady Heal wart Call 5374439 510 am ONLY DUMP truck driver naadad PT- saasanal work 1531 hrs par wfc exp roq Sand replies MNT Bax 5292M Taco-m A 94411 Wanted Day 7-051-4040 go by eb lecatad at HH 45th Sin Court NW Pt Fasdkfc Drive NW-GIg Hart ar LECTRlCtAN apprantlca ar 3 specie Ity journeyman WA ate card required 474915 ELECTRICIAN Comm'l Jmy 1st thru 4th yr opprenf 15 115 PW avail 143433 ELECTRICIAN wanted Has lournayman exparlancad trainee Lacey 1 3T4 iti4 EL NUTCtNyi Rastouranl exp Caak Waitpersen Bartender 4301 McKinley Aviu 475774 BMPLOYMBNT Specialist Alda Alda position w5 parsan Uttar control craw along highways Oppty to work wlndividuais wdlsabllllia Valid WA driver Ik req'd Sakry DOQ benefit CaH Mr Cunningham 437-3SS2 EOE MFHV omakvor ESCROW Sacratary or Closer naadad sakry benefit negotiebt contact Marna ar Skva at: American West Escrow Sanrt-COS 753-355 ESCROW SEC Sand Resumes to: PO Bax 409 Gig harbor WA 90335 PAMCO Transpart needs few undergoing a modest expan-ska to aur 14th yr af dry van aparation Wo attar gaad working cond equitebk pay wati maintained equip pd vacatlans health Ins mln-af I yr aver the road req'd Legal driving habits mando-tarv CaH l-r PAST FREDDY'S a STs Styk tost toad restaurant Is leaking tor "Energetk" peepk ta wart at aur new stare open Ing at 130th Paclfk ea May 1st Call 5440547 between If and 4 wfcdays and lv msa FENCE Instalkr part tim lancing exp Rellabk transp Sakry DOE Tony 535 309 PISH CO new hiring Fish peppers laborer Drug fast required Appty to parse at 1535 Jefferson Ava Tacama PLAKHY JAKES Is leaking tor a tow peepk ta train In ceun-kr service food preparation far prlr bussing area tor primarily port time evening skiff Apply between 3pm4pm an Wad Tburs Fkx hrs friendly atmasphsra 5409 4tk i 5454911 FLOOR covering mechanic nerd exp carpet I awn teals van Ik banded Viking Ftoeri Interior Shattan 353915 FLORAL DESIGNER axpar naadad Part Ochard call 14750342 avis 1471-4444 FLOWER SHOP Experienced floral designer salesperson with FTD knowledge Rafarancas nan smoker exp only 5757501 FLYRR Distributors needed Sc per flyer cash pd dally CaH 531-3333 between lift 4 POOO SERVICE Assist Mgr a Methodist church afflltat-refiromont hom*o Dm Maine has apanlng far Assist Feed Service Mgr Applicants must possess mgmt sklHs exp to manage a superior program at location featuring high rise bldg Applicants must bn abk ta enhance tha management towns mission "Ta provide a quality continuing can retirement community for old-ar adult" Also must desire ta wart affectively with eider adult Be exp In (on sorvko abk to document bath exp skill Sand resume only dent calh Cert Cehfc 015 214th Stra Dm Melno Wa 90190 EOl MFHV FORD SERVICE ADVISOR Call Jim Mauser 140044425 Ext 31 FORESTRY Laborers tor slash burn stream ckaa aut etc Ream board 19S par day 5 par haur ta start Ra'sM after 4 weeks af emptoyment Call 1-494-3377 between Mon-Frl tor mere Into start dek FOUNDATION WORKERS framer Experience wanted tor home bulking company FhUMHS naadad Ltcanad ar aat teRpay iHSCOTsmi RRMMM wanted Nuw ran-traction Tncttnn araa IJOI taLMLljianMLMtraH: ranted handad Can MMW Framers Wanted Rasldantlat era FRMMIW Cratractars naadad 5jASiBLeLiaK PNWS tetaraattenal Ran sagaesss FURMACR Instalter Ma 1 aipMaddrlinR racard Enraltent ira apportunlth a dapaadahla cantctent parsaa atedkaL dantal Vacation inter DOC at: MMt IWHi tan Cm FtMNITURI Mtei hour in-mt Ul FIMHACa imtnHtrs i ad min lyrs mm rad anntflt! ulary I Apply at MM Tacama Aw aii-i mpfvynrom unvn 318 Clerical FrateM Rattef Clark Muil haua term aa Inter I lirtra tala San utery a mutated rMuma: ltl Carrtert FO MW Aukurn WA WOl Clerical PT roceptNle clerk for eanatr ca I yrt mr daHrad Cac kartell te facura lutur analat ul DOR Varnua far Graan HMaM m-na CNA NOME care MH par hour nag an exparknea 1451-373 CNC MACHINE CENTER OPERATOR wanted tor new te OtymRla Ma and Iwrll Hr nmwkdnd-Hte DOR Cnd ter tetenlw Monri tenUpm HXTrO co*ckTAIL WAITPERSON BUftSER Apply to parson after 3pm NavIHa's Share-lira U77 Harbarvkw DrM Harbor CwtiRuterSltete ra innaar Are you a Httk diffaront? Da you Hka working an PCI with the cavers off? Hava yaur written davka Da you think assembly whlk writing C9 Sand resume sompk cede to: MNT Bax SHIM Tacam WA 9411 tractor capable of faunda-tlan wall must have awn 7534534 CONSTRUCTIO SuporvlsorIstl mater Si cammor const pay DOE Hus praflt sharing 342-729 CORSTRUCTNM Laborer naadad immad to start DOE 939-9274 lv CONSTRUCTION labor PT apartment phi Call between 9-4PI 47BHM COOK breakfast cook dinner cook experienced Appty at 715 Ith Avo COOK Dishwasher pt-ttme Apply to person Mon4ri 2-4 im Leslie's Restauraal Lakewood no hom*o typo Ttepiy Orchard tonvtam COOK HEAD needed tor resident Girl Scout Camp nr Bet-fair June 15-Aug 21 Exp to quantity cooking Interest In oilMron req Salary lodging providi spcIketHm EO COOK Least 3 years experience Apply In parson: Tony's Pier 1 Rost Gla Harbor COOK naadad dayttm restaurant Apply In at 539 Broadway COOKS Dishwasher far wring grave Appty In parsan JASONS 1403 Meridian So Puy COOKS Exp In Southern Cajun toad Na catt Appty in parse POE 89H GravoHy Lake Dr COOKS waitress! dlshwash at Outpost Restaurant W23 Pacific Ava Sara Soanawav COOK Expd day caak day dishwasher Pull ar part time Apply to parsan 111 Hwy 41 ar call 829-W21 COSMETOLOGIST wanted owner retiring New manage-mint leaking tor motivated parsan to help taka aver dlentek Exp a must 535 4355 dev 4752004 ava COSM OTOLOGY Instructor Must be licensed Ask tor Rarb 1-3751331 COUNSELOR Chemical dependency Perm PT days ftor ava exp in group Indlv counseling tor outpatient treatment 955533 COURIERS The Southland Carp dba 7-EkvonHeogyt an apanlng tor fulMIme courier Responsible far the pickup and dallvary at a variety of roportsdocuments ta from stores an a regular schoduk Must have awn de-panda bk vohkk and valid Wash State Driver's Hcenso Beginning s9Sbr DOE Ex- coikitt CM eluding apply In parson la Eric Jansen af 3M00 ith Ava Suita 22 Federal Way NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Ah Affirmative ActienEEO Company MFVH CREW MANAGER If you have a large van ar sh flan wage an ability fa wart with today's youth and a burning desire ta succeed In life you could bo the parsan Km leaking tor Wa get new customers tor The Morning News Tribune and are leaking tor qualified peepk Call 1-605274-3042 tar detail MW Ives Co Crisis Counselor Entry-kvel position to Taco-Crisis flan family counseling residential childcare with adolescents Shift work tod overnight BA residential axa profi full health 120 Navy Yard Hwy Bremorto WAH31I EOE CRYSTAL Mtn Resort Hotel Malntananca Basic Plumbing Electrical Carpentry Painting Non-smoker neat porsonabk Spring-Sum-mar passible year-round Shared living space Start 4575 hr 54414 CUSTOM DOOR SHUTTER SHOP TakliiR aRRilcaftaM ter a fuH lima pailllaii wHh a waN teMIkhatf ra Initially yau wHI ha ramilra te Ua tan pawar aanniiin ar tha Rtete Rrap aoori mutters tc Waodwarkln uiRur pratera Mud bu at lant nlfh letwat gr Uuate Ra qulra a raigaailbla truatwarthy an dapan Ranaa with a canactenl dnl ra te ha a Rraducar with-aut canal ant luRarldan and te da tha uary bad ynu ran and taking grid In Rutting aut a Mgh nudity Rraducf Valid drlvtra llcann ra nulrad Far aatandad amRly manl and dua te cudamar aaRamra natura and varlaly at aur work mud huvu naa Rpaaranca ha la gaad had Hi A Rhydcal candlllaa Mud ku nh tekicc drug UMr Cudom Rl Fdd! DM lltfc Ead I black I-I ra Fart al Tacama Rd IM Ftiona HI WM damdom anlv Data Entry Key In Today For Friday Pay Whathar yau grater dralght Rraductlua ur gumrd dlk vurluty um your data aatry mill! an Oaten tamrarary-Stay busy ks yau Ilka chuudag tram a varlaly a I aidgnmanti and an laying lo nay canvanlant war tecalteni and Friday clack pickup 927-6495 138-2812 12717 1st Aut So SERVICES DILI Clark must be II aH shifts even fuHpt-tima 4415 hr- Michael's PelL 94iai DILI hel must be 15 yr Part ar full tim exp pro Eacaiknt benefit M7-027 DRU help Dapindabla Over 31 Exp helpful but will treta CaH after 1am 5559444 DELIVERY driver H-M per br South King County 59pm Dallvar smell packages ts houses Must have rodabk car Apply HIM Pec Hwy a Fadaral Wky ptima Alarm exp prof Cartknd Common katie 927-040 DNC WASHINGTON now hiring production worker Must he motivated teem Mayor Aaalv 7141513rd Ave Kent DttC WA new hiring a customer service rap Must be mati voted a team etaysr Apply 22425 43rd Ava 1 Kant DRAPRRV CLEANERS axpar with attoraflen af draper las Call betwe lamGam only 437-4159 312 DRNTAL Hygienist 1-4 doytwk End friendly faff Call Kay Dr Hannulo' Offlc 759-5412 DENTAL Receptionist with dental assisting sklHs and export once Will consider training a currant CDA please apply only you are exparlancad ana and tad about dan istry FuvaHua office MS-3553 DIETARY AIDE experience roq spHt shift smaH private tocalty owned nursing ham Ablioae House 1911 Bridaooort Wav EOE LOOR cere perse exp to HI la far vacation beginning April Snd Could wart into fuH time position Apply in persoi at Groan River Torroc HH St NE4 Auburn ask far GERIATRIC NURSING Da you have a background In Geriatric Nursing? dlnkel skill Inter personal relationship skills and the desire to proetko in suppnr five environment with a team a Heetlh Caro Professionals? Wa era interested in talking funlfios tar Registered Nurse Please call 759-7547 for appointment HEALTHCARE COOK Cook with Dkt exp need tor AM Shift good working conditions surroundings benefit call 14244H NOME health aides needed home care Let us put you ta wart In a rewarding Name cam setting today CaH 475-7744 ar apply In parsan at 1 PadflcAve A HYGIENIST ParMlm Olympia eras Call 1-43B471I LtC LPN pt time flex hr busy medical praetkn Wages 1)00 Reply ta TNT Ren HUP Tacam WA9t411 UC HURSRft Wa have a chai- iffy who have long ing apportunlt) antic professionals kadarsMp and Inti skill Wa offer continuing education program Contact Tacoma Lutheran Horn 1301 Hlahknd Pkwv North LPN PT nights PT on-call eve Please apply: Lakewood Healthcare Canter 11411 Bridgeport Way SW Tacam WA 949 H146M EOE LPN Light nursing car small ICF Pkxlbk hrs Call The Sumner Cara Ctr 434413 LPN Medication nurse Small private locally owned facility cemperabk wages and benefit Call Mr Ray HQUS 544-144 EOE LPNs Urgant need far LPN la full time home care position tart time eve shift also avoil-abk CaH 477744 far detail A LPN'S Wa are expanding aur staff need mad treatment charge nurses an aur 74 3-11 shift Wk have both fuH part-time opening Knowledge of longterm care daslraoblo but wa are willing to train graduates ar these who have bean out at nursing pty Bel Air 4MSe LPNs Wflldwsad Healthcare Ctr has an opening tor a MM pm30 am nurse an Saturdays Sunday Storting wage SMhr Comparabk benefit package Apgty at 909 Meridian Puyallup or call 454431 MEDICAL receptionist wanted tor busy family practice a flea Leaking far wall- Jiroomed prafasslanal ndivldua! who onlays working with public Computer expor helpful tart ttm 3-4 days par wfc Resume: Us MH 4th St Puyaltu WA Id HM MWF ar 40 9931 TTH MEDICAL Receptionist Front paodk proctk exparlancad Resume rat: Bookkeeper 3714 Fadfk Ava Suita Tacoma 9400 MEDICAL SOCIETY MEDIC ALDENTAL PLACEMENT SERVICE Exp Mad Dent Parsons Only CALL 5734709 MEDTECH 5 yr expor Medicare super visor tor day night shift Chemistry special oiamli QC ate Exciting career portunlty tor the right pretos- gteul Maimb A- ulufif gnM gufO roq ta: Quantum Labarator-k 3U SW 43rd St Rantaa Wa 9a05 MENTAL Health Group home needs cepehk wall rounded progressiva live-in mgr 3 davSHek 417411 M4-3404 1-4 Muon's ManarHar-Mal Deseret Has the fallowing positions open: Morning LPN Graveyard Shift 3-11pm Week-End Shifts Nurses Aides only Please call 470234 NACNA highly motivated salt-starter to join restorative team Reliability essential Apply In parsan at Groan River Tarroc HH I Street NE Auburn NURSE far Gig Harbor family practice Nay weak exp wbleod draw EKG Elections soma In-aftka kb Send resume PO Bex 7511 PHoneer Wky Gig Her-bor WA9PJ5 NURSE Practitioner Certlfk family ar adult FT Gl prac-tka Excel lent salary bane-tit Send resume to Knox 1991 Union Suita B3003 Tacam WA9SH NURSES NEW CARE CONCEPTS Ventilator Specialists RN'S LPN'S Vent dependant adolascant In Flk needs caring RN ar LPN New grads welcome Will train Nighty hr shifts Campetltlva pay extensive benefit Begins Immed We Make A Difference wa taka care of ordinary peepk with extra ordinary need 1404 35 -4 4M Nursing Asst Current openings tor Cert Nursing Assistants on evening night shift Compare-bk benefit package tuition assistance tor continuing education EOE Apply at 909 Meridian Puyallup Wild-wood Health Cara Canter ORTHOPAEDIC Cast Technician FulMIme tor busy ortho podk offlc exp roq sakry DO Resume: TNT S041M Tacoma 9411 PATIINT Representative positions in ulll-speclal tty health care dink Followup monitor Insurance NMO claims tor reimbursem*nt Must have 3 yr insurance exp excel communication skills CFT ceding exp HMO background an asset land resume ta: Business Office Mgr PO Bax 5447 Tacam WA 9405 PHARMACY TECHNICIAN level fuH-tlm excel hrs Wages DOQ Computer np preferred Cast Lass Fra scrlotkns Gary 4744493 Physical Therapist The physical therapy service at Joseph's hospital health care center hat (mmdi-ala openings tor tuH-tlmo regular potifkat In the faflaw area Chronic pain manage menf pragran Acuk In-patient rehabilitation and acuk care In-patient Part-time and on call opportunities are also avallabk Please contact Roland Dawning PT 991-449 or eve at 7594111 ar send resume UM I St Suita IS Tacam WAH405 318 BANKING Commercial Lending Assistant At the Business Bank wa specialise to business landing Our commercial Hadirs and their assistants are Important members of aur yeu possess at kasl 3 years current exparknea procossii for a cm exceptional organisational skill enjoy totaractlng with aatropronawr wa wnt talk with you shout a fuH time apanlng at aur main Wa offer a campetltlva sakry Including 401(K) pia continuing education anvlranmant geared meat ing yaur prafasslanal goal Contact the Director Human Resource at 473-3331 today North Pacific Bank The Business Bank S4th South Tacoma Why EOE BANTBNDERS cooks naadad new Tavern steak Nous BARTBNOMS Peed frosse expor Appty S40MMS svatt Warn BARTRNDIR OLDIES Tacoma's Dart hom*o hat day shift opealng FTPT tor tun smiling ooook 543333 leather goads speciality stare has immad PT apaalngs to Saa-Tac MaH 941-7M8 BODYMAN MP exp full time Salary DOE Ask Doug Jr 272-3414 BOOKKEEPER Accty Paysbk Accfs Roc ale Man through Frt 9 to 1 Lisa 17S-3134 BOOKKEEPER CODY'S RESTAURANT LAKEWOOD Leaking tor part-time bookkeeper Tuo4af approx 35 brwfcM excel benefits working condt Campetltlva salary DOE Appty Man-Fri 3-5om WI15 Tacoma Wav oooooe BUSINESS CAREERS OPPTY OSecratary Expansion Keep the paperwork arganiiad to thisbusy not ten- ai organisation Tap ckrkai sklHs needed hare Start ta 1140 Accting Aut Computerized Busy anglnaartng firm yaur ability ta assisst the control kr to aH phases of accounting Goad advancement opportunity Start ta IH0 Receptionist Variety Lika ta keep busy? Use yaur accurate typing and customer servko attitude to gat yaur feat In the dear at mis established Tacoma firm Start ta 1120 Medical Billar Faa Aulstanca Taka charge of this busy facilities billing dapnrtmant Interact wltb Insurance companies and patient Start ta 41500 383-1881 BUSINESS CAREERS 1019 Paclfk Avenue Tai OOOOOO INDUSTRIES Custom Yacht Builder soaking Mechanical Fiberglass Waodwortur Apply: 401 AI-winder Ava Bida 53 Tac CABINET MAKERS Quality camnYI cabinet mfr soaks motivated 4 lopo people All shop area swing shift exp helpful goad wage benefit package Wastmart Products Inc 11731 Steak St SOm 531-347 ABtRRT maker journey me day or night shift Farnsworth Woodworking in 9403 39th Avo CT SW Tacoma CABINRTMAKHR Journeyman cabinet makers an to km weed Apply at Coast Craft MQtEesnffi 3751 W4 CABINET maker axpar rest dentlai ft commercial hiring aH petition Sumner 13-4301 CABLE INSTALLER needed axpar preferred CaH: 475393 CAMP staff naadad far resident Girt Scout Camp near BoH June 19-Aug II Counselor waterfront norsoboefc rid arts and craft naturalist and ether CaM 4714950 tor appH-cation EOE CAREGIVERProschoel Teacher Christian Childcare HM Veterans Pr Na ahono call CARPRNTRRframor exp only tay DOE Must be saber Straight 14574473 CARPENTER must have truck tael Plnlsb experience 172-9594 CARPHNTRR exykkHup CARPET ckanar exp In rasld commercial Prefer awn equip portable ar truck mounted Naadad Immad CARPET Ckanar ig ca needs outgetag Hardworking prof person Flax hr Resume: 3138 South 0" 472 9444 CARPET ckanars naadad new exp'd wgaad sales abiir awn vehicle ft WA Ik Carpet Installers Mut be Ik banded exp In Vinyl Call lee-Tac Carpet In-tartars 474-4440 bat 5l3noon CASHERCLERK 7-Ekvan MOM tac Hwv SW CAS4HERDELI help wanted swing grave shifts avallabk Apply at 9310 Steak 14410 Pacific Avo 44H McKinley Ave Ete 5109 Pt Fas-dkfc Dr Nw (Gig Harbor) 4410 320th SW (Fad Wav) CASHIER tor auto parts Sand i Bridgeport Tacam WA 1445 Pull pert-time Sand replies to: HH Bridgeport Way CASNIBR far busy Station Immediate apanlng 917-404 CASHIER ar Area stifle goad pay liberal benefit friendly staff Apply bfwn f-noon Mon-Fri TIHkum Are 154H Union A ve SW CASHIERS 8 STOCK CLERKS FT FT no exp na will tral apgty to CCS NOME CARE Is seeking in kerne respite workers ta disabled adults PT pass PT 1515434 hr Cheese from a variety of shifts days of the wk Presentation given Tue April 17 10 am at 13M Yakima Pkasa caH Eton at M5S52S to reserve vour sooco EOE CERTIFIED Recreation There- chemkal dependency program PT H-30 hrs per week assessment troofmnot pkn program plans required Sand Resume la: Gay Neal New Baginings 11315 Bridgeport Way SW Ti WA 9499 CNILOCARB Teacher Pull time ECE training experience preferred Sakry ft Benefits Visitation Early Learning Canter 474 440 be-tween Oam-Sem 312 Physical Therapist Immad lata opening far fuH-tlma pasltkn In out-patient Skeletal: Sports Inlu-Okk Ex- ry RohabilHetlan parlancad therapist with background In spinal I referred Bxcallant if Its program working Irenmonf Part-time and an can positions aka avallabk Contact Roland Dawn Ing PT 991449 ar Dave CuillnoM PT 3B3-M0 ar sand resume ta 1424 ft I Sf Suita Tacam WA H4H PHYSICAL Therapist fulMIme In progressiva out-patient clinic Exc benefits Star Physical Therapy 1901 Cedar Tacoma 9040 17340M RECEPTIONIST Mod I cal Record Ena prat'd PT Men-Fri 3:37 PM 474713 Vkwcrost Canv Ctr4 HM 3 Wllhoson RRCRPTtOfHST Fulhtlm Gig Harbor medical dink Excel communkotknpetknt rotation skills roe Exp In a medical etc prof Sand resume Assad ak Director PO Ban 5447 Tacam WA 940 if if it it it it ir RECEPTIONISTIECRETARY Wa are looking tor a motivated energetk detail oriented individual tor this toil time secretarial position Responsibilities include: AP data entry support typing 5wpm greeting the puMk a variety at general effke dvtle T-S 9:3 am 4:0 pm AppHcant must possess excel communication skill key touch computer ski Us da- sirabk Applkatlana must be rac'd by 4JI pn April 1 1990 Apply to parse phene cel ts pkoso Manor Cara at Miadow Part 5411 So Orchard Tacam A 91409 EOE if if if if if if if RN RE A PART OP OUR TEAMI We're looking tor rehab art-anted RNs tor aur Rehab unit Wa have fuH port time positions avail tor evening ar night shift Lakewood Health Cara Ctr offers competitive wages and benefit floxibk hr excel working condition Please caH Judy Rasa tor an Interview 5S1-9O02 Lakewood Health Cara Ctr 11411 BrldpwtWay SW RN DAYS F-TIAAE Wo are In need at a highly motivate energetk charge nurse tor medicare wing Knowledge of IV tube feedings medicare In long-term care doslroabk but hat necessary as wa are willing ta train Apply Bel Air 430 So Pearl or call 547111 EOE RN DIR OF NURSING SVCS PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT AND GROWTH SUPPORTIVE TEAM EXCELLENT STAFFING BUDGET NEGOTIABLE WAGE AWAITS YOUR TALENTS AND EXPERIENCE CONTACT TERRY LENO 845-6631 RN tor family owned 51 boi facility Jpm-llJOpm Sun Thur 4724441 515 44th RN tor family owned 51 bo facility Ipm-llJOpm Sun Thur 4714411 115 Mth RNLPN Chg Nurs Days M-F flax MedTrt Days FT ModTrt FM'S FT Chg Nurse Nights 4 shft wfcnds Povkali tor LTC a ing Wage grid tor Benefits availebk Financial assist tor cant Ed Exp In organisational supervision ft assessment sklHs Apply at 3125 East St EOE RNLPN naadad tor various PT FT pasll ends aft Contact Sherry Faulkner at Vkwcrost Convalescent Ctr 4IM Wilfcesoa RN MEDICARE NURSE 3-11 Medicare RN needed good working cond axe surrounding goad benefits Wages noootlebk 1424H0 RIHMK Scru day na weekend exp full ar pert hm momnt expor noc 7544175 CLMICAL IV Nurse Specialist to provide patient training Infusions IV lino management thru an out patient cfln-k Exp en hospital IV ti or nutritional support team desired Sand resume ta Sua Harding Infections Limited 1434 South I St Suita MB To-coma 9405 RN'S LFN's Charge NurseMed Nurse positions avail Top sakry benefits benuse Apply to person at Groan River Torrac SIM I Street NE Auburn ar call Kathy ar Ruth at 1433-124 RNs LPN If you would Ilka fa wart than hrwk but would onlay a slebk working environment call tor Into an aur In-house registry- Rates quoted ever the Phone 43431 TMJ ASSISTANT career opportunity axe compensation soma dental assisting skills daslrobk 373-1497 Emptoymut Offers nin SatortodHrly 10 ACCOUNTANT to sat Up maintain real estate brokar-aga acctg system Computer sklHs a must Resume: 11711 Meridian 014 Fuv 9374 ACCOUNTING need you ta kern my business ft help us go live wnaw computers Yi Yaur experience wpurchas to shipping ckrkal helpful Flexible hours Mail resumes to: SEC Supply 2004 IWh St Teceme 91445 ACCOUNTING Position In accounts payable NSF keel retailer Experience iking IBM system 34 helpful Sand resume wsokry roq to: Accounting Manager PO 597 Puyallup WA 91371 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Government Accounts Receivabk Exp to Lotus 13 Is prafarro 92B4443 ask tor Stave China ACTIVIST A uuur huunti cra lytteffi tltecli all of Mteihlngtou Haig chaaga Jab In aw autraachfundralilng Tap par kauallis A gaud uuupte Fair Shura PMW eob ACTIVITICS DIRECTOR A wing iMft ltndnl ntadtd ter pyichlntrlc graup hotnn Auburn USMteB Dnra ADULT CARRIERS Excellent earning opporfunl ty far wait-organised Individ uals ta suppiemant Became a member of Morning News Tribune's Direct Dali vary team New daHvar-ing once-a weak ta postal sip coda areas 9MU 93M1 Na Sollcltlng-Na Callactlan Adult Contract-Carriers naadad Paid weekly an a Par Route Basi Car and valid WA driver license required 1409-5434 101 ext 754 ar 5974754 Manday-Priday 1 om to 4 om ADULT PROVIDER tor Waekand aH ar mast hour 4pm Sat ta 9am Man Prepare meal na housework rats rag 754 19M Lv msa AIRPORT Security singer screener S440 start Must be 1 or elder Mature deptndabk peepk HS APARTMENT mgr asst Retired ceupk encouraged ta apply Ronf-cemp Sr i pkxln ad lac 273444 318 APPAREL SALES Woman's ckthlng stare bk-Ina FT M-W S4 754344 ooooo 18-24 TRAINEES S1240MONTH No Eiptr Nacasiary Udine world-wldi 1 affars now working taclHtltes to Pkrca county area 11349me par written agraamant tar tiaaa accaifad ta Hart working Immediately to aur Appliance Division Rapid mgmt promotions are avallabk tor these who quality Must be year neat to appaaranc have car abk to start immadlataly Call Tuo ft Wad 5414911 APT MANAGERS Team needed tor several smaller cam-pi axes to Tacoma Experience a must Apt plus salary DOE Medical piux bonus program Cell Mary 5454M1 APT MANAGERS NEEDED by far several properties Sank exp4 to Ta resume: MNT Bax J0MSP Ta-comaWA 9411 APT MANAGER Team Near Tac Mall 34 unit malnf hateful 517-54 APT MANAGER Exp team li forested to a chalknglng floe to woH maintained Bun it btog Rasufr Rax 9951 Tacam I APT MANAGER 3-unHi Lkwd AatS 5454540 APT MNGR Minimum 3 yr successful kastog administration skills experience Apt salary benefit Only qualified call Gk 47441 Architocts A Drafters Leading Northwest firm seeks prelect architects and CAOD drafter Fut yaur skills ta wart where It's appreciated AutoCad Macintosh ax per deslrebk Write ta MMA Architecture: 950 Fawcett Suita Tacam WA 9S4H Or call 3043H-HS4 AREA SUPERVISOR PART-TIME POSITIONS The Morning News Tribune Direct Delivery Popart mint Is soaking highly motivated poopk to supervise adult Independent contract carriers of the Morning News Tribune's complimentary 'VXTRA' products In Pkree and South King Counties Ideal candidates must knew the a rioty of adult be willing to warn flexible hour or'-fkM wort be sell dlsclpili hove a valid Washington State driver's Ikons and have currant auto Insurance Area Supervisor pay ranges between S7M 1900 par hour depending upon experience 35 hours a weak Please sand resume to: Dan Kennedy Direct Dettvery Department rnlng News Tribune PO in 1M Tacam WA9S41140M ASSEMBLER far weed truss component manufacturer In So King Ce Must road tape measure ad subtract to ft and India This has a na drug and akahal policy S4S0 hr benefit 149423-2311 ASSEMBLYFACTORY Work train to Phoenix AZ In the aut aketronk draft-ingCAOD and art design field Guaranteed wag na experionc na tea Housing and training you qunllty Call 1404994437 ASST MGR tart time far 94 units to Kant molnt painting ckanlng ofc 475943 AUTOBODY apprentice expor panel repalrreplac local scMref HBB River Rd Puy AUTO BODY PAINT tan naadad Exp roq Ap-ptv: 909 River Road 414341 AUTO BODY PERSON Journey level only Please call 3H4341 AUTO DETAHER hardworking dnpinoat axpar 75-QIHAskf axpar 47 i ar Bacfcv AUTO GLASS INSTALLER Soma axpar roq wlH train Exc mndlcal dental rots a must 14737917 AUTOMATIVE Technician naadad tor GM Daakrshlp 5 yrs or man exp necessary Advanced training avallabk Many benefits Including retirement plan Contact Service Manager at Lynch Mater Company H7 Wh StM Yak-im WA 9M01 (909) 575-109 AUTO MECHANIC Own teal Hourly benefit General Tlr Wf Puyallup Avira Tacoma EOE AUTO MECHANIC 5 years exp Must have awn tool Inside work 8344wesfc MIDLAND AUTO WRECKING 537-5041 AUTO Mechanic abk ta operate scop brake lath ate Must have awn TOOLS Apply In parsan 4111 Tacoma Wv AUTOMOTIVE ATTENTION Lincoln MorcuryJeop Eagle dealership Is currently accepting applications tor qualified Technician Excel pay pkn and benefit Can-tact Am Schmits 1-224-999 AUTOMOTIVE Glass Installer 4 years exporknc salary POE Auburn 1-73514 AUTOMOTIVE isuiu andor Subaru Tech Sauthgak Ford tsusu Subaru 1-431-730 14DQ-S42-525 AUTOMOTIVE MACHINIST Exp In cylinder head full time 5454-5591 Olympia AUTOMOTIVE STEREO INSTALLERS Career opportunities far quei Car Stereo Installer 111 South 1st St Yakim WA 9902 1-1509)452 0404 Automotive Techs Ford ar Isuiu dealer exp prof Heavy Duty Lina Tech EEC Tech Luba Parson Saatfla dir CaH Service Mgr 1-411-730 I4H44M25 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Cart light truck Signing pikatlen conlldonflol Call 474-507 AUTOMOTIVE tuna-up and light duty technkkn wanted Immad Prefer ASE cart Call 54 3429 tor interview app SPARKS TUNE-UP AUTOMOTIVE Worthington Ford has immediate openings fi SERVICE WRITERS TECHNICIANS BOOYPERSON'S LOT PORTERS We are busy and need ta extend aur service haurs Plenty of work available Excellent pay Day night haurs avail Super benefit package and wa pay the premium Dealer exp preferred but net mandatary Must be hard werkln Kite fuel woH area mad ve a positive attitude APPLY IN PERSON 33207 Paclfk Hwy So Federal Way AUTO paint preppor exp'd! goad benefit Appty ta pa sen 345 Werner Tacoma AUTO FARTS Counter Forte Exparlancad Apply at 417 East Mai Piivallue AUTO FARTS SALES I yr counter exp to new or used part Intide work t4k wk MIDLAND Auto Writ 537-5041 AUTO tochnkk ASE cart goad wages benefit Fraction Automeflvo Transmit-sio ITH Ith Avo Call Mo-Frl 4:351 759-H44 AUTO Tachnkkn Immediate apanlng Tuna-u brake front and Too aav 917404 BANKING Madam Tacoma office affars excel lent permanent tulbtima employment opportunity dynamic people ariettei dividual with 3 years taflar andor operations expert once Must be depandabk antbusiastk have goad cemmuekafln ikiHt Ceil Ro-mana at 54449 BARBER STYLIST 145 340 Gig Harbor BARTENDER ox evenings day apply at: Pearls By The See Purdy 1457-2141 BARTBNOSRI Cook Bouncer Waitpersen DJf needed exp roe 5W-1531 305 A AAROVARK ASSOC RESUMES S7UP FREE Copies caverlstfer FREE consultation tars talk CaH us far new lower prices Par These Magk Ward YOU'RE HIREDII1 YOU MU AMERICAN Resumes $8 up AH fields Same Day Servlco TACOMA 504-7003 7404 27TH ST Mil SOOfclHfl 306 BABYSITTING in my ham 050 Th weak FRESI 1-0934547 BABYSITTING 14 year at Edi-ten-Arllngion area Call Cherry 4757544 BABYSITTING 3 opening aN age anytime Off 27th Bridgeport 244-9B2 CHILDREN and senior sitting In yaur Noma Experienced have awn transa 427-701 CHRISTIAN Mother wiN babysit ages I 4 at nor home In Graham 047-0109 CHRISTIAN woman avail far cy backup tor In care 571-735 CNANHA will work full time Mon-Fri Excel rat Prater COPE clients only 472-3154 DENTAL the onlays aH aspects of istry Roiiobk cansclaa with yr exp CaH Lai iOHIWar 303-704 HANDYMAN needs work you gat It I'H da It carpentry piumbin painting ale Call Bob 474719 HAULING Inwn maiwtennnca maintenance of all type auarantaad 7514517 754-547 HOMI Cleaning id Services Window ieuni sve etc Raasenabts rata 544-175 LIVE-IN companle caretaker chauffeur wN yr exp with oMerty Ref ewe transportation Exc hskpr onlay cooking Levin rosponslfc' non-smoker WIH rakcak rural area of Washington Oregon 03H wfcly PO I 442 GoW HIU OR 9752 MAN soaking Asphalt Wort-wmucti exp wife 1 kid Vary dopandabk 47M407 NO JOB toe If ar tm hauling moving reefing building re-aeir ate Kon 047-0711 RELIABLE hardworking man soaks employment wlawa malntananca firm 471-1407 TYPING Dana Correspond' one term paper mailing list ate Fast accurate RaasowaMa rata 531-1049 WANT YOUR house rtoono yard malntu painting exp at reasonable rates? Ceil WILL Babysit-my bam ex days ar night soma wfcond drop-in's wok 475-3140 WILL CARS far yaur elderly yaur bam cortlllod CNA Mkhok 9P-3445 WOODWORKS Need something built? Yaur design or our Wa wart with you Ree-sonabfe quality 143-2145 Employment Offers ADVERTISING SOtOS position avail wnew magazine axe arowth potential 043537 APPT SETTERS TELEMARKETERS Na ax per noc wiN train Naadad Immed 471-074 AREA Representatives needed tor Physicians Mutual In Ce to market a REAL 100 Modi' care Supplement CaH 50441 EOC PMA-222 ATTN: COLLEGE STUDENTS Wa are a large corporation looking to hire students tor the summer Duties Include retail sales and exhibit sales such as home shew i shew and fair Opportunity Si OH par month part time 12000 par mg full time Management aka a posHblll ty Apply I time only Sherwood Inn hi ft 04th St S40I So Hoevnor Greenlee! ream neon sharp Tuo April Mth AUTO body supply i gressive ca soaks outgoing arganiiad ules parson to soh fa body shops manage 2 ether paopla Salary ta llfOO OOE good benefit TNT Bex 5040M Tacoma H41I AUTO SALES Exparlancad only need apply High volume stare Is looking far tales paopla that Ilka I big money High commissi a dental medical ft dome plan CaH today Tony Kray ar Jlr West Jit Chevrolet 07400 AUTO SALES Person wonted Exp Apply: North Hill Auto Sale 909 Rlv er Raid Tac 044342 Auto Sales Volume Auto Dealer has opening far 1 exp Used Car ft Truck ft sen Liberal Commissions ft benuse good call Ed ar Gary EUROPEAN hair ca soaks motivated sales rep far Tacoma are Excel beta benefits Sand resumo ta Personnel Dept 12324th 134th NE Redman WA 9HS2 FAMILY health consultants wante Earn 115 an hr working tram yaur home "Free training" NoLif 502413 FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP Is soaking quality Individuals to establish sales egenck Training provided In aH line Upon completion of training 1st yr income of up to llBON passible NOT NECESSARY TO QUIT FEE ENT JOE College degree oral Contact Je el N4-444I FIN PLANNING Expanding Tacoma office needs two lalesfinanclal planner Starting salary comm up ta SSH par wk axe req'd full training provided College 1 yr sales exp req'd Send resume ta: Prudential Financial Service 701 ith Avo Seettl WA H104 Attn Stephanie FLOOR salesperson needed for Auburn auto sound spec lor store Same retail exp roq' Salary commission davswk CaH Kim 1433-74M FLOWER SHOP Exparlancad floral designer salesperson with FTO knowl-edge Rafarancas nan smoker axa only 571-7501 MV AC Saks parson Min I yrs exp Knowtodgaebte in heat loss duct siilna 531143 JRWELRY SALES Marcus Company with long tradl tien of excellence has a deportment manager position immed avail Only these Individuals with fine lewelry exp will be considered We offer environment conducive to your professional dovekpo mint exc starting saiaiY commission company pa pension plan comprehensive benefits pkg liberal stare discount Our exciting line lewelry departments are situated in meter department store This opening is avail at The Ben March Capitlai Mall In Olympia Interviews by appointment only For an appointment please caH 1-344-ITH ar sand resume ta: Marcus Company PO Bex 2 Ml Seattl WA Hill Attn Law Kern EOE LIFE insurance agent Are yeu tired of trying to dig up your own lead If so caH Proven lead system sets the dotes i time of each appnt S4 41 MANAGE ME NTSe las Earn SlIM me free yaur dreams Call 54S444L 34 hr MGR TRAINEE National corporation expand Ing Needs paopla ta train lor management in busy sales office Opportunity I2H to S1SH par me to start Meat qualincatiens and I OH pi 230 par year Salary plus and incentive Only hardwarkart need apply Must be ready ta start at once Apply In person 1 time only Sherwood Inn 14 4th St 1403 So Hosmer Green leaf rm Neon sharp Tuo April Mth OUTSIOH sales peepk prates-lenol appearance Please cell 5H-3539 PAPER Factory's Party Work FT Apply ar sand resume I 1545 Center St Tec 949 309 RETAIL SALES PeM and part time paopla lad UHto UH par wk Mm 4H ta I4H par wk part full fl but net necessary Apply 1 time only Sherwood Inn 14 Mth St (S4U Hosmar) Green leaf room naan sharp Tuo April SALRfc Dural Route raq Mithr DOC meat teuim OHM ur mu rtutw PO Ran MM Ioiiwv wmj SALES Local attics of National Organisation needs 10 full time uols wHHng It wart bard and 1m 7 Earn whlla you leer wa vHH tram yaw choice of kcaflans Fassibla first year earnings In excess Of S30H Call JOHN WRIGLEY 511-4049 LgceI Salas Managampfit Opportunity bo yours attar Nx months spa-dallied training Earn up to UOiOH S3 OH a year In management Wa wiN sand you ta school far a minimum of 3 weak expanses pal training you In the flald with a minimum guarantee of S3HD the first 7 weeks selling and servicing established account You must be band able ambitious positive minded and have a goad car Fringe benefits Include: medical dental and pram Far a personal interview Don Shormon Mondoy-Tuosdoy 10:00 om pm 350511 SALESMAN Landscape construct Ian 754-H19 SALES parse exp prafarro spa Mrlmmiiig poets related Items weakly draw against commission Call bwfn 11 weekday 544-5511 or Ola Harbor 051-4942 SALES POSITIONS WANTED IS hardworking enthusiastic people far aur rapidly expanding company Are you tired of making only 1445 par hour? Look na futherl Wa have severe! manager training sales positions open far ground fleer apparfunity Must Hava neat appearance be at least Camplsta training provided Rack 'a' reH atmosphere la step with today's style Far yaur persona! interview call new! Fed-oral Wav 927-0537 1-07923 SALES Rap far astab glffwarohousowaro sects Must be be positive prof Resume: Expressions NW 5 M0 4th Avo Suita 47 Soattf WA 9110 Siding A Windows ialospeoBli needed Earn i ta 14000 will tral West Coast Vlnvi 54S-4912 WHOLESALE REP Local window mfr laefclng for exp'd window glee rep Base salary comm Call far interview 934119 YACHT SALES FulMImeLrjj brokerage Noalfti Caro 312 ACTIVITY ASST Needed FT far long-term care facility Must be expor In working with the elderly ft handicapped Call 3H-H97 AIDEHausekeeper needed far rest home far part time wart Frl Sot nights 11pm-7am and an call Eiparience and awn frame reeuled 145539 BOOKKEEPEROk mgr mad etc Exp nac Resume-MNT Bax 5279M Tec 9S4I1 CAMP NURSE far resident girt scout camp nr Bettalr Juno 19-Aug II Apply for 1 I ar mare wfc RN ar GRN prof 572-0950 far application EOE CAST Tech far busy orthopedic dink John 427-7141 CHIROPRACTIC receptionist PTm Puyallup Sand resume ta MNT BexSHlM Tacam WA 9411 CHIROPRACTIC Assistant wanted In busy doctor's effke far exam x-ray dept Goad office ft peepk skills required Typing WPM will be tested FulMImo long farm nmpkyna desired BilP Ing experienced helpful but net necessary Call far an applkatlenliitervlew at SHIM CNA DAY SHIFT Lang known far Its excellence In car Toboy Janas Health Caro Canter Is accepting ap-plications tar day shift Excef-knt pay weekend bonu If you want ta make a difference contact Susan ar Phyllis 752-4431 CNA IMMED POSITIONS All fuli-fimo positions Days-PM'S-Nighfs Medical Benefits Above min wage far exp Financial assist far continued education Goad staffing ratio APPLY NOW: 3425 East St Tacoma EOE NH7I4 CNA-NA Kirin ter guntte tegithur tamlly bwiw widrn ludll-y ga ngn un bmutlte InhuuH C-M caurw Canterbury Houm (12 mlnutet from Puy) 502 2th SI SE Auburn V2741M 23V-00W EOE CNA NA Limited posi1 CNA prof In House training avail VALLEY 511 Mth Avo SE PuyaUup Call 45-7544 EOE CNA NEEDED small senior ham 7-llam sH hour ta Start 75BM5 CM PT eves same wfcnd ta help care far four elderly ladles In my heme 537-455 CMAf Are you a team player? Wa have a campetltlva pay seek many benefit Apply i at Green River Ter- roc HH I Street NE Auburn ar call Ruth at 1433-1344 CCS Hama Cara Is accepting applications far FT paw FT CNA's assist etderly ft disabled clients wH hskpg personal care cooking transportation Cheese from a variety of shifts days of the wk Wert In areas at Pierce County that you pro-far 15434 hr Rat req'd Call Elton tar mere info 324525 EOE CNA'S Exc pay benefits avail tor expor CNA's In a progressive nursing home Contact Tacoma Lutheran Hama 1301 Hlahknd Partway North CNA'S Wa are re-organizing expanding ar mining dope r-menf need at least mare CNA far each shift gjBol Air 431 So Pearl CNA 7-1 HI I 11-7 Ifclftt Small luuHr uunw private facility Ablln Haul It I brljuwrt Wav WU tot CREDIT COLLEC CLERK Aggressive Computer II-terofo tor pesWen In busy Goraltrk Fractka Sand Resume to: MRAA lilt South 5th St PB Tac WA 940 DENTAL assistant exp palsad axe grammar handwriting shim warts wall under pressure career Indl-vtduai outstanding benefit 772-1497 DENTAL ASST-full time pended dutie Exp sary Nan smoker DOE Ex Salary Benefits 531-7111 DENTAL HYGENIST Entoy tour days a weak with a friendly Naff In our new office Tues thru Frl Federal Wav 147303 AIRlilNES AIRLINES NEED: AGENTS AGENTS RESERVATIONS AGENTS AGENTS ATTENDENTS IN THE AIRLINES! 9000 airline employees started their careers at have made us training and JOIN US! SEATTLE DOUBLETREE SUITES Soathceater Pkwiy Tuesday April 10 pm or 7 pm Airline Careers Begin! INTERNATIOMIMIR ACADEMY.

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How do I contact Tacoma News Tribune? ›

News Tribune, The
  1. 2602 S 38th St Ste A PMB #3 Tacoma WA 98409-7303.
  2. (253) 597-8742.
  3. (253) 552-7092.

How much is Tacoma News Tribune? ›

Enjoy unlimited access to award-winning journalism.

A local year's subscription (in Pierce and Kitsap counties)costs $35.00, and out-of-county subscriptions cost $50.00 per year. Out-of-state subscriptions cost $75 per year. Send no payment now.

Where is the Tacoma News Tribune located? ›

News Tribune, 1950 S State St, Tacoma, WA - MapQuest.

Where is the Tacoma News Tribune printed? ›

Printing of The News Tribune and The Olympian outsourced. We're still a paragraph factory, just not a print production site anymore. The News Tribune, along with The Olympian, now will be printed by The Columbian newspaper in Vancouver, Washington.

Who owns Tacoma Tribune? ›

To tell the unique story of the South Sound, The News Tribune also provides strong coverage of the military and nearby Joint Base Lewis-McChord, the Port of Tacoma, and outdoor recreation in the Northwest. In 2020, McClatchy transitioned to private ownership when it was acquired by Chatham Asset Management.

How do I send news to NBC? ›

Newsworthy tips shed light on a matter of significant public interest. Do you have a news tip you want to share with our journalists? You can contact them directly by email, or you can send tips to our general newsroom inbox at You can also find ways to communicate more securely below.

What newspapers does Tribune publish? ›

Tribune Publishing Company operates local media businesses in seven markets with titles including the Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, South Florida's Sun-Sentinel, Virginia's Daily Press and The Virginian-Pilot, The Morning Call of Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, and the Hartford Courant.

Does Tacoma have a newspaper? ›

Tacoma WA Breaking News, Crime & More. Tacoma News Tribune.

Is Daily Tribune a newspaper? ›

The Daily Tribune is an English-language broadsheet publication in the Philippines. Its office is in the 3450 Concept Building, Florida Street, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Is the Tribune local newspaper? ›

The Tribune is an Indian English-language daily newspaper published from Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Bathinda, Chandigarh and Gurugram. It was founded on 2 February 1881, in Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan), by Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia, a philanthropist, and is run by a trust comprising five persons as trustees.

Who publishes The News Tribune? ›

Who is the business reporter for the Tacoma News Tribune? ›

Debbie co*ckrell has been with The News Tribune since 2009. She reports on business and development, local and regional issues.

How do I cancel the Tacoma news Tribune? ›

All subscriptions will include delivery on Thanksgiving Day. An additional $3.99 fee will be added to all subscriptions for each of these premium editions in 2022: 10/9, 11/24, 12/25. You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-289-8711.

Who owns Tribune Media? ›

On September 17, 2019, Tribune Studios, the television parent of Tribune Broadcasting, was acquired by Nexstar, and the television company went disbanded shortly.

Is Tribune a magazine? ›

Tribune is a democratic socialist political magazine founded in 1937 and published in London, initially as a newspaper, then converting to a magazine in 2001.

How do I cancel my Tacoma news Tribune subscription? ›

All subscriptions will include delivery on Thanksgiving Day. An additional $3.99 fee will be added to all subscriptions for each of these premium editions in 2022: 10/9, 11/24, 12/25. You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-289-8711.

How do I contact the AJC newsroom? ›

To report breaking news in real time, reach out to us via Twitter - @AJC - or Facebook. For less urgent matters, call our newsroom at 404-526-7003. For news and tips about local or state politics, contact our political desk at

How do I contact Ksla news? ›

KSLA News 12
  1. 1812 Fairfield Ave. Shreveport LA 71101.
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Views: 5875

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.