Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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PAGE TEN T1 de in interior and snow becoming mix pd With ftlppt nd rijnfl wai I britf llStS 8S JSCHi cost Thursday JnoX ee Thursday HerrxxjTSrtn and dtary'hew En enlrtm ThnrUv Tua lIana mauSHra 11C of New England (4 fc th sky battietap were rictorr "Ought down by NlDaarua nlVxr 71 son of jewelry Allied more Associated Press correspondent Wes tacal Gallagher With hundreds of and reported destruction I a Hflmftflrft tY JLA tawlra a imsmrev zit tvwaa iHi niiLLSii nfnnnc Marching the roads he said Von the Securities and Exchange Ruhdaadt could not use hit bulk TLftES tod to order New EJ of the ruins revealed no other bodies Hie four victims were found dead I I in their third floor lodgingsJ I on a big scale without risking a massacre I New that Gen Eisenhower had at the Germans after back tracking A Churchill Target ITT AG er won south of Ech Britlsh tactical sorties 'in sunoort fate is sealed the Rnsian aro I lancing northwest to their second ws Gallagher with the forces goal i in Belgium reported lna delayed While measures for a last ditch I dispatch today that prior to the (Stffnal Corps Photo from NEA) Maj Gen Archibald Ar nold above commands the tough 7th Division troops on Leyte Island to the Philip pines His division trapped and reduced elements of the Japa nese 26th Division hear Ormoe4 and continued to sweep inland boldines consist ofzwf AvtrtrnerAcrcHn A LOSES LEWISTON Maine Dec (A3) proposal to name the Truck Drivers Warehousem*n and Help ers Local 340 A of as their bargaining agent' was defeated 16 to 3 by warehouse employes of th? local branch of the Milliken Tbm Mnson Co wholesalers in an NLRB election today Employes are not organized 11 11 II I BOGARTS MAKE UP HOLLYWOOD Dec The Bogarts have made up again Mayo Methot Bogart told reporters today that Humphrey screen toughie came home Christmas night nd there win be no The Bogarts have fought separ ated and made up umpteen times in the last few weeks our Lose Lives In Block Blaze CHELSEA Mass Dee 271 (A Wlth four lodgers dead as the re suit of a tenement block blaze fire men said tonight that there was only a scant possibility that search of the nibble would disclose addi tional bodies 7 A general alarm was sounded early today as flames swept through the upper floors of the three storv brick business and tenement block at 19 Everett street iremen feared lor several hours! the eighth straight day in Bastogne oyuuiuu MAUK QI U16 ngHt tank attacks as' they awaited the arrival of powerful relief col umns last reported only four and a half miles south of the city Hundreds of tons of cm me oeiraguered Yanka todav wwrawa i i jAMMvo complied tne mission with out a loss it Later a force rf ArnnHwh Thun tlpulng in the sector with small groups of German tanks milling about and apparently probing for soft spots in American defenses The two pronged German drive there might have been experimen tal in nature and in rehearsal for a stronger attack American troops reported taking 1005 prisoners in a 48 hour peri od to noon on Tuesday counterattack Against the German southern flank result ed in new gains between Kfekirteh and Echternach including capture of the village of Haller six miles West of Echternach and nearby Waldbllling A German counterat tack was repulsed near Haller and xugn grouna was temach American and planes flew 2814 I at Piraeus A second landed short ly afterward near the naval head quarters i Nonetheless British authorities said another 45 minute truce would be arranged today for the protec tion of ELAS delegates attending the second session of the all party conference At last meeting Prime Minister told the delegates that' Greece is a mon archy or a republic is a matter for the Greeks and the Greeks alone to Britain A only interest in using her troops in the current civil war Churchill said is to end disorder and make possible an election by secret ballot i I 7 others were encircled at Bastogne where the stubbornly resitting doughboyy still held out were shelling Bastogne They re knocking out nine guns plowing up an ammunition dump iVrlfch hTfrihe gnA a a "NEW YORK Dec Pota Nazl crewmen by strafing ccoramg to information Issued at Allied which pre sented the situation as of Tues day American troops were possession of both Ciney and Celles The latter town only four miles from the Meuse marked the apex of the Ger man drive on Sun day The Nazis ran tanks through Celles and close to Ciney but ap parently did not attempt to hold them against American counter nows Hard fighting was reported cori arms at the door i I The peace terms offered today by yr a a i i Agreement on establishment of a regency as long as no objection ii a pormauon of a new rwnM i ir I frrr lwlin tnc President enjoying the been conllence of all parties Ger I 3 The new pro teeny raued to carry out 4 Punishment of collaboratldn hern Ists and a11 those responsible for I HMtaJVWC ALU3 I gOTernment a a a a ata a utwuuiug wwn ponce ana mansistag Third! Army Robots To Carry wa 7 Mail To England IS righting Back bays Berlin Radio I i ted unfairly WeatllPr nrpmct lthe MeuriRes representing their in yy vailici A vrccasi terests xx or by effecting a salemsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi I of the physical ORECASTS i was signed bv Paul Maine Moderate to heavy snow ind snow becoming mix Market Report Boston Produce Dec The Ger 1 their bombs letters from 1 1 British prisoners of war it was disclosed today! LONDON Dec 27 The Ger 1 After one recent attack on north man radio said tonight that Allied era England by the vengeance troops were striking violently at bombs a packet was found marked I both the northern and southernV weapon prisoner of war mall" flanks of ield Marshal Von Rund It contained Jthree letters offensive and that in some photostat and the notation: 4 frontier sectors of i Luxembourg is requested to cut out ororman troop had withdrawn to copy the letters printed here andjPytPf1 the Westwall (Siegfried transmit them to the addressees Line) so that they will receive them as of the greatest are early as possible The original let 1 being fought on both flanks Berlin ten are being sent "through thesid Bed Cross in the usual mall chan 1 the whole Third American was counter ttack During the early days of the lling in the southern sector accord flying bomb attack on England the ling to the broadcast with IA Gen German enclosed propaganda leaf 1 George 8 Patton aiming a thrust 'lets in the bombs with pictures pur in the vicinity of Vaux Les Rosiers i large scaie onensivet (Gallagher pointed but this was noc tne nrst time officers had failed to judge correctly the power of Wehrmacht A faulty estimate was made of ield Marshal Erwin forces in Tunisia in eb ruary 1942 Just before: the Ger mans came out rf Kald Pass he cabled adding that the enemy po tential also was underestimated along the Rapldo river and at the Anzio bridgehead in Italy In a dispatch from Washington today Associated Press Writer John Hightower said military strate gists there are now tentatively add ing three to six months to their es European rf :4 At first Allied general thought rfu an phaj eJ it fall Hightower reported if Later on th sW end next faU winter break iewivu wnere Allied bt £fOTd loae ground There are no major cities New Hamnshfr I Industries would be distributed tc in north and snow mixed with She SerrifeT freezing rain and sleet south por (rhf tion ending Thursdav air colder Thursday uecx ana stoca or Androscoggin rX wmds Manufacturing com Massachusetts Snow mixed with sleet and freezing rain in north and iKfgtf Vrtwlr Af ijmif Aturin'V 'es iore com pany airfield Me and stock and I income debentures of Maine Seaboard Paper Cb Bucksport Me State brief said earn rings for losses) contributed by i' industrial businesses have had very' substantial effect upon the net earnings of the system throughout the years and these earnings have been very unstable in In jview of his the brief con tinued and prospective future earn mgs estimated for reorga nizatioo purposes are "likely to be and proportionately more speculative and Stockholders of New Erigland wW be to bear an unnecessary risk of beine treat Inequitably if any allocation their interests in the reqrganizatioe llnillHaKwi! '(RVcfAS 'I a lasL wu4 VV4JW Truck Driver Escapes rom Blazing Vehicle EAST DIXIELD Mel Dec 27 Caught in his over turned mCT truck as fire spread through ths vehicle Victor 1 Crawford 20 "esc ir ed injury by forcing a jammed doX but when he entered the rear the truck to extinguish the an explosion hurled him to tii street In the blast he suffered let IM Hair airiffrtL The truck skidded from Icf road Into a ditch and the lanterns which were used to heat the truck were tossed about spilling which became ignited i In Greek churches the Bibl read in the original Greek text WATERVILLE MAINE Lack Of Contracl or South Portland stead and It was uncertain whether (the separated enemy forces were of a (equal strength Their total number stave far originally estimated at 100000 is 'unknown but is said by Moscow to "UeJ comment be i I campaign was becoming Nevertheless the splitting of the defenders will speed the Husslan rIUSMef1fn 8 I program of annihilation 11 i The Germans and Hungarians hether the very bitter caught north and northeast of the approaching a quick cll clty are hemmed in by the brand max OT whether it Is gliding into an Danube to the east and north bn one side and by elements of Tol an effort to convince Third Ukraine Army on PublJ? of the the other The latter forces are de Diet conducted themselves In iex ployed along a line circling from arfllon during the raid Szentendre to the south bank of the tlle lawmakers ate their lunch Danube west of the bend I to i air raid shelters The communique also reported mora of the city people capture of eight places east their oro eyes saw the Ipoly Sag (Sahy) in southern 41e of Czechoslovakia Indicating 3appet 111 and fall Mallnovsky was driving on the bor eirlnglorlous end is high der rail hub of Lorenc from jhideed sald DomeL I west as well as the east 1 one instance the Tokyo radio The Tolbuhkln drive north and cheered and west of Budapest brought the cap they saw a Super lure of 14 tons and communities it added i i of anti aircraft fire and fall) More than 300 prisoners were previous 20 raid! on taken by the Second and Third Uk was December 3 At that ralne Armies in fighting on the fighters warmed up Hungarian and Czechoslovak fronts TndTT Tuesday Moscow announced and 8 War De 74 German tanks were knocked out the Joss of one oq an sectors of the eastern front 7 oomo brlnglng the tank losses I result? were food there in the last six days to 617 i With Budapest completely sur Allied Command rounded andrite garrison split the VAJiiiillHIiU once beautiful city on the Danube oolpd Rv Nnwi 1 shaken by bombs and shellfire from I liaZl i the Russians and the dynamite of German demolition squads seemed ACSCrve Oireilfftilijy tO Sov I hand? (Continued from page one) A correspondent of the German I by the force of Von Rund transocean news agency reported blow than by the fact one today that Soviet tank were in delivered All ot which makes It UJpest a suburb on the east bank I quite certain that someone of the river a mile north of Pest somewhere made the grievous mil yjpest was the anchor of the Nazli itary mistake of underestimating thedefense line east of the city If enemy i the Russians have won UJpest they! Headquarters correspondents wer t2nc Principal told before the breaTthhricS red that sometime durinrthe win tim frhMSwWas noJnfonfia ter the Germans might be expeded numlirf to 117 a counteroffensive And one ttom trandn BudanStu of the where such A Nazi blow Kled thTt mately 100000 there When the A1enne8 orest region Into siege began more than six weeks I Despite ago German 'reports said thats2fOJhRifM18tdt Pled army about 50000 Germans were in the ft at lea8t city ready to fight to the death and Ply two others up from re The battle for Budapest was real and them into a gap ly a fight for Vienna a well as lng front wherk the doughboy Budapest The Hungarian capitalscreen thiri lt obviously rtood as a great obstacle on thefeS h81tln ab road to Austria but now that Its rhng In strength Associatea rressi Correspondent A naTlarvHAM TV cv I in Belgium reportedlna delayed stand were taken in Budapest by the German breakthrough newsmen at Germans the Moscow radio report he front had been told that the ed they were burning and blowing Ardennes was not a good spot for a up supply dumps railroad stations I winter offensive and that it was and other Installation that the Red bring I used as a sort of sector" army might find useful in occupying by the Germans and Americans the city i American officials who believed 1 1 the morale of Nazi troops was ex Tnrluof frenzy low thought Von Rund iriflllSt rieSlstedc had practically no strategic Wk I reserves left for a major attack and OOlllDCQ Joy VS that the German plan was to fight (Continued from defensive action before the Ruhr tvanunuea from page one) valley Gallagher reported He saidthe river and extended toward 10 claimed the Luftwaffe waterfront to an area wTre no Xas non existent and that bomb could faU to hit 1 shortage and Tte am pun med th MMgei a coupie or hours earlier than usual it was the fifth time In a little more than a month that th had raided the enemy capital In force Bom of the returning pilot mW attack was the toughest of the five operations The size of force was not indicated in communiques Groups of 60 to made the previous raidsTWo dd Superforts: par and an Imperial Head quarters! made the unsubstantiated ririm that nine of them were shot down five probably shot down and 3 damaged It admitted scene damage to Industrial sections I hrouffht rfmrn tLTi who deliberately crashed their in terceptor plane into them the Tm perial communique said it arkw that by Mlr nad defense J111118 1Ight It admitted lobf cfrbdlng fighters were loet ttwludink the two which voluntarily flew Into the Superforta (Japan Domel new agency Ithat the spearhead of the enemy I drive had been blunted short of it Meuse river goat American forces met the two pronged Nazi drive toward the Meuse in the areas of Ciney and Celle two days ago and brought it to a halt knocking out some enemy armor and compelling Von Rund forward tank units to with draw from the farthest westward 'point attained in their 12 day old push I Rundstedt has lost the in itiative' in hl great all out gamble to smash through the American front Associated Presa Cnmnrvnrf ent Roger Green dee)arri a cbun the first Leftist shell exploded at I Jront dispatch I Aiier lounng tne rim of the Ger salient Kenneth Dixon of the AP reported Allied positionseems the most cheerful since Von Rundstedt uncorked his counter i or the fifth straight day swarms I of American and British planes lashed at German troops and aroxH in clear cold weather piling roads and snow covered fields with the smoking derelicts of Nazi tanks and 'supply vehicles 1 was strong indication that Von Rundstedts extended forces were short of fuel Of 17 enemy tanks and self propelled gun which the American found abandoned When the pushes to Cinev nnn rrn i folded back at least a dozen west portions and freezing rain and UH1A5 A field dispatch declared the Ger mans already had thrown in a vast majority of their reserves and had mare than 20 divisions including id Panzer Grenadier rtiviinn imitted tn thfl bafHa eeU Dee 1 Sere to past Several thousand surrounded '52 medium doughboys held out heroically for' LOUR: 3 71 4A eighth ttraight day in Bastogne oatw I011 southern flank of the flaht 84 86 fos poultry ling throwing back repeated Ger HAY: No 2 Timothy 2900 3200 Sidra good to choice LAMBS: Good to choice 25H 1 A VEAL: Good to choice 22J amItion were parachut POTATOES: 300 310 to the beleaguered Yank today SUGAR: ine eranula inn ih I unrmed transport planes "ORK LOIN: to 12 lbs 28 1 4 ao i American inun BUTTERr Maximum prices above fighter bombers summoned 93 score (AA) 4441 92 score (All transports attacked a bat 4331c 90 score (B) 4356c conk 1 German 88 MM gun which A WW vm 15 S0 CHEESE: resh twin 2736 Potato Market i 4 toes steady Long Island 100 Ib TSNo Green hfta north side 340 25 south side 340 50 Malne100 lb sack 8 No 1 Green MU 230 335 Katahrttn 3 mJ S15'25: Chipped ig 25 50 lb sack Green Mt 160 upstate 100 lb sack 3 No 1 Sequoia 260 The total number of lakes and pools in Norway cover ahntit voan square miles or 2 1 4 per cent the entire country in central Belgium and as long a Allied flanks to the north and south hold firm the enemy thrust can offer no great threat to the Allied source of supplies urthermore the sur prising new challenge may react to Allied advantage Of an estimated i 600 to 700 Nazi planes which took io me air yesterday 200 were stroyed reezing Rain Storm Sweeping 1 Across Nation (Continued from page one) covered so wide an area or lasted so long He explained it was caused by a layer of warm air aloft pre cipitating rain whlchl froze a It neared or hit the ground where the mwer air strata had not warmed up since the cold wave of Monday ssaeaav OHU A i Declaring that the New Shipbuilding corp "ha provSe Rudolph Halley Counsel to the Senate tlgating Committee said tod? Jnuie ihgton a to why no more tracts have been awarded SQMth Portland shipyards Halley and Brig Gen rink to the Cottunfttf reported at a conference with yard management and union 74 resentatlves add Portland men that they hgd found mendqus increase in efficiency New England Ship whose nreu contract wUl be fulfilled by "Right Halley jX see any reason why some addltlonii shipbuilding should not be plSt here The Maritime CcmmSa may be able to show why it shank not be but theyl have to prenq if The yards construction of rhkb started late! in 1940 has turned 205 Liberty ship and 30 Britta freighter Nlnetyrnine of the tjk ertira have been launched this year fthdrew Side president ot flu arid Andrew Pettis prl sident of the CIO union which bar gains for its workers told Haller that rapid of the labor forcL now about 13000' impended unless there were qd finite prospect of future work Pettis declared that the pgfeiftl coast in spite of a reported labcc shortage there had a large blackkel of shipbuilding contracts! I Halley said he would Investigate the possibility of moving isome ship building from the west to the eanl coasf 1 Side declared that the Scuti! Portland facilities were "adequattl to build victory most of I which so farl have been biiih on ths west coast i General Lowe advised the conJ ference that in the event new con tract COUld not tw nhtnin hJ Yard a fl or ground forces Tuesday destroy Both the Navy and the! Mantimt Ing 77 German planes in the air and I Commission the said needed r6pait 12 on the ground for a tentative badly I 'i Allied loss of 45 craft They reported President Chester Abbott 'ofS damaging or destroying over 857 I the Chamber of Commerce wira German tanks armored vehicles declared that a posslbiil and motor transport i ly that the! Navy might use thtf Tn 1 South Portland Yards after the wuE STlnIS z28 enemy transport vehicle and I years I 1 439 Nazi olanes exclusive I of the! I I toll taken hy American and RA If i heavy bombers After a big force If VPStlTIPrib I fim of heavies attacked German held IVC3 1CI 111 St Vlth in Belgium yesterday a IQ "'ll pitot said the town was "burning OeCKlHSf CliariffPS from end to end with! the streets! just great sheets of CJ Up to noon Wednesday the Allied I1 i 11L17 mCIIID tacwcai air lorcra "had Down 300 1 nwrr I or! jureci a line Xtrwf Tnvaewiant aamase io enemy tones ana MM" i ovmAMzi Iporatlon Boston iMass ntitiynr suiMVituvOia ttAAU AiHJ XUUtvr I th si I flAhllrr tfifi luusy oraer New Eneva between TBt nd MX land Public Service Company to fa and Marehe tegrate its Public Utility System be As Allied ah power continued to fore proceeding with its neorfr niTit beat at the enemy and the cleartion weather showed no signs of break 1 State Street beneficial! owner ing dispatches said the 5000 prior lien preferred shares cf tank forces had become more New England) asked the CommU cautious than ih the opening days pion to its powers to at ot the drive They were moving amine the character of ithe inter much more slowly nd in smaller and of New groups land its subsidiaries and 'to deter It was however the grim dog the ged stand of American infantryTnd 9 bTtrackstlimilitSv necessaiT or anpropriate to the cp havSridu eraUons of a integrated akwin8 and hie utility Holding Company Sy blocking the tremendous rush of Item jl? enemy armor state Street also asked the corn Doughboys still were dying at mission td protect its interesis andE their guns today to check Von those ofiothen New England stock Rundstedt legions until a real Al 1 holders by ordering the divestment lied counterblow could be delivered of New interests in hoM qt ing found not to be part of a sing Integra ted system "either! bv salectfl and British planes than sleet which is precipitation In or ELAS Snip HAr A I a vw (Mac Stretching from eastern Missouri to the Middle Atlantic coast the freezing rain belt had offshoots southward into Tennessee and North Carolina 1 and northward into Indiana southern Illinois Ohio and Pennslvanta It moved into Washington Maryland Vir ginia and headed for New Jersey New York andNew England Temperatures') in the affected I area nexa persistent! 1 dify the falling rain but not low enough to turn it into snow in many places however there was a mixture of snow! sleet and rain North of the ice glazed zone there was snow in Iowa Minnesota Wls i consin Michigan Nebraska extreme northern Ohio and northern Illi nois All New England awaited as much as a foot of snow today in Maine New Hampshire and Ver montU and turning to freezing rain in Massachusetts Connecticut and Rhode Island late in Vie day In Washington the American Au omobile Association warned motor 1 1st to stay off streets and high PAttucuzig wiav oy todav II it 00 wniost in tiie slippery sections 8tate highway director Hal Sours saidi it was the worst stormof its kind in that history No highway traffic was moving he said freezing rain struck north Arkansas Oklahoma and na Tuesdav ntizhf traffic virtually tied up in' the Ark area yesterday It then spread swiftly northeastward Air and bus 1 traffic halted in Kentucky until mid day when Ice and snow began to thaw Thous atLda were late for work in Louis ville Kv and minor accidents Memphis Tenn had continuing nearly 5 toch wa4 ratoln aUo Nashville i 4 10081 wro weather whlcij dropped the mercury as low at Kylertown Pa early yesterday had moderated The Chi cago fVeather Bureau said another but more brief sub zero snap was due today in the Dakotas Minn sota and northern Wisconsin NO WILL YORK free Radio commentator Brake CarteTho died in Hollywood Nov 16 left no will and an estate of 55000 ta per non nrArtfw si UASClOSad to Utter dmln istratton The papers we issued bj Surrogate Jame A oley to the pBUla Nicofi Carter Other dlfttrihtitAM ffik children owlady Sheleagh Carter Wallace Jr and Michael Carter wauace intermediate phase" The counterattacks already are methodic They are clearly directed at exerting pressure on the German wedge from both side and make it He contended that General I that three persons at first report 1 Elsenhower stilly was ed missing might have burned to hi defense but observed soberly death on the top floor but a search ne proDsoiy wui use up a large part ot the force ha ha assembled to stem the German drive bv flank attack This may account for the Cause of the blaze remained un temporary slackening of Allied at determlned arid the Massachusetts uku ine area ox Euborn and Stavetot against the northern flank Of th ftaPHian AffmvialaM German southern flank had Armada Planes creased during the Christmas holi days and was very strong in cen north of Arion "General Patton who is in com mand there) 1 making the strong est efforts to break through to Bas togne to relieve the American force encircled there Tt is interesting that the American are using the same tactics the Germans have been using in defense against the Allied and Russian the so called The German TrnMKan afffiWAv said magnetic power of the winter battle is especially noticeable in ther Aachen area where the posi tions of th 8 Ninth Army have wn uisen over oy anush forma tions under command of ield Mar shal Montgomery the course of regroupings going on behind the Allied lines the released 'American may soon re appear on the winter Both the German high command communique and the radio report emphasized vast armored battles which they aid were in progress in the area north of La Roche in Bel gium where the Nazis dalmart ra! can tankTyeidZy ifT Oermany and the strife The atmosphere at that The GenSsJta 15S American 1 conference was so tense that all tanks were "eLher delegates surrendered their slde Mustang fighter groTp ra vv kdj i ijiiim nna During the past week thT Slh rASteIegateB were: rmiviuc axonenas sent neariv wu Planes to hammer the enemy 7 as Jong as no supply routes A spokesman for the by other factlons awve saia toaay mat nhotra re vuieu LruLL tn main ran im Berlin to the battlefront had made useless while some of rain in southeast portions ending Thursdav air saco Me and Key ar AtlUiOUaj aiiu maay rTesn wind Connecticut Rhode Rain on coast freezing rain and rain in interior ending Thursday air and cold Thursday night and riday resh wind Eastport to Block Small craft warnings displayed for 35 mile southeast to east wind shifting to west Thursday HOTEL SOLD POLAND Dec Sale for 540000 of the Summit Spring hotel toJLobert Kaufmann who oper ated it the? past summer was re corded today at the Androscoggin county registry of deeds The sale was by the Summit Spring Hotel oviuptLuy isui uiman is tn Edward Kaufmann of Kay stores 1 4 WATERVILLE MORNING SENTINEL THURSDAY DECEMBER 28 1944 Commander Wade Reports On i To Project I SKOWHEGAN Me Dee UP) State Legton Commander Gerry Wade said today that ot the 'XflOO Christmas gift packages contributed I by Maine resident to the Amer ican a Gift to a Yank Who Gave program 3000 I went to hospitalized veterans In the state i rest" Wade said were sent to hospital in other areas where local contribution were not suffl ciently large" Wade expressed belief that the per capita contribution in Main Commanding the 45th Di vision on the Western ront 1st I aan i aj am a awiHMaew aj lui uw fire marshal's offtef ohIstmI an tn I uen Robert' InaIrM nrt Ainrillarw fratlgatlon rederick above who is be at Tou Kittery Rutland Prraoue iroo me youngest iraoer Me Brunswick and Bangor of an American infantry divi sfon in combat He took over I a wi gA L1 A 4 his present command after see punerican orces OlIluSll rkt Vemianr ing action asKhead of the 1st Ijv Zk a i rv I Special Service force compris 11OW Uli AttHCK Hallway venters Ing American and Canadian (Continued from rare eoe (Continued from lo lh Aleutians Italy I nd southern rance He has ln Bendorf three miles northwest were macie nflon find throol been wminneri un Hr inr find anfliriiu planes were lost to flakl Ninth AirL IBefort orce fighter destroyed five enemy I 1 I the westernmost spearhead of planes increasing the ton of theParj Mn area behind British the German drive into Belgium I eftfl ft a a I A ucmjan ur rurce wiucn i gnownt parauwp iwnicn cameo tne enemy to within to haveostmore than 500 plane in era ahead with tanks and ar 1 four mite of the Meuse river still six days jmored car in an effort to clear the were being held according to the In attacks directly supporting thran triangle leading into latest available information but a the ground troops an ammunition square little to the northeast of this area dump in the Bastogne arek was Earlier in the day the British an in the Hotten Marche and Roche knocked out and 62 buildinva rutarlnounced that eta awtn I fort th enemv luhaerf mt wexe urauvyea or aamageo I vwmteo a conference truce by firing I iiujcm xnrae were orox by dive bombing upon a British warship and Anglo leo up howev" ollowing ud this Am er icari hi (Greek naval headauartar in I The sharpest of these slabs came at secondary supply centers behind mus late yesterday and that a around Verdenne three miles east the Nazi drive an estimated British air action would start I0 Marche and around the villages RA Lancasters and a screening egalh i Jof Humaln and Havrenne three fOTcej of Spitfh es from continental It previously had been aareed of Itochefort bases attacked rall yards at the that no artillery action wouldf be LjSL St Hubert area to the Ruhr citv of Rhowlt ift omHaA wvuai mu outh the enemv of Dusseldorf merely on a bolding action for the time being for American troops encountered mines roadblocks and blown bridges Some German tanks were seen roving around in the area of Beauralng a little farther north west Von Rundstedt it was learned de finitely now has under his com mand three armies in this Hltier concelved offensive are the Seventh Army the ifth Pazaer Army and another and more power ful Panzer involving perhaps a quarter of a million men in all xne sue oi me force is an indication of the Nazi determination to crush th Allies on the western front at tins late period Good weather permitted Allied alt forces to fly a total of 3000 sor jjf during the day in support of the ground troops Ninety one Enemy aircraft were shot down All along the northern flank of the 35 mile wide salient there were indicaticms that the Nazis were on the defensive for the moment said I largest freight yards at to 018 existin one which Hamm Munster and Osnabruck LPLi Papandreou asser were empty This triMna Ihm Miai uirr iir iiav i must shunt traffic over its southern rail route which is being systemat ically bombed" I The British bomber showered 1 including town police and about 2 t7 of Gendarmerie Rheydt witlfltf six minutes blank 1x5 8ent eting the yards which the Germans I nd ecalled to active service had been using as a control point each exainincd by a tor north south traffic Thejen 1 cnnnfArM Dahfinflmpnf of natfcmaT American attackers from Italv hitlguards which were formed since the wj rtf MwHI wc nxca va i suis on in main road fnxn Xflenna to Munich I Vinltjanr in milae Brenner pass as well as railvarrf with all officers to 1 5truck his first serious counterblow at Ih nnperfift laf i sav vxau ana cruet in Ausina and Maribor in Yugoslavia i porting to show the damage done nine miles southwest i of Bastogne by Allied bombs on Hamburg Ber lin an effort corner German Un and other German cities! divisions between the Salm ant With disclosure that let Ourthe tars fiow are being sent in this gris Berlin which previously had bMed PrOPailUlda 00 that the storythat one woman whose British troops were not taking part return aetent MMnst Von Rund Zrl ctalstmascard frorn 8te4t Cteclared tonight that one of a Christmas card from Marshal 6lr Bernard M0nt tte? prisoner son I crack divisions had join i zn 1 Th I 1 4x1 "still another American Reds Cross Danuhe division withdrawn from the Aachen front in making particularly To Split German I grim in the north i The enemy broadcast said the Al At Rlldanest lUed goal iln the north was crush grille zwi Duuapcai Lhe Oerman flank maMed for (Continued from page n) tees and artillery near drand Mes forested terrain in the Danube bend north of Budapest while the other half has been caught in a vise to lit fh hraad 01114 to tank battl 1" wooded sec communique by the Soviet Monitor V8rCa here ued the word while deckled in favor other translations used in stead and It was uncertain whethei aHiery action would Jte Irvn "AW fiMorc? itaS 15th as ot 3 SLtadSra struck at undls were being taken to last con ttritegte targets in the ference at which Prime Minister and rail nnint a A ai a a CAAV kU outbreak of civil war and their re organization I 9f vi navm services ana i ce punreu 8 Establishment of committees to 1 50 miles across Belgium came on purge the army and navy services to? of the two day old information uie commitees to De appointed by the Tull government and not by in dividual cabinet ministers 9 A plebiscite to be held not lat er than the first Sunday in ebru ary to decide whether Kin wa consulted and rav hu 1 11 return to Greece to this course i scnerai election of the na Britain ta April at the lat rJ11 government in ELAS representatives told in i RatiSJSS 2nd! Jhe tEy wld acceS a come to Greece ration Party) to vision that international delegates ich7hin Present during the proposedple IL18 cIear 4 mejblscite to order to insure a fairthere would have been a massacre election It has With regard the ELAS violation been said that Britain to endeavor 1 of brief truce periodX1S tO bring kinff ftndlfmIBHtifth ennkftemgm KlUiVUi SV CU UlftLI nr a acM a i ir vria i wuocr iih i i itu lur ftiia f' A tWUH BHC11 eXDKXIM AL 5ft the falltax At SI' warship iuuuuauuu to deny allegations that Britain had territorial claims or desired bases in Greece saying "we desire nothing but friendship" i Minister agreed that Britain having entered into (the Greek turmoil had contracted many responsibilities but added that! the British would not withdraw Until the rebels had been driven out of Attica or withdrawn from the' up around the capital i are absolutely determined the whole of this built 1 up area must be clesirrt nf orTA those under government control he asserted iwe must hope that some good sense must come to these tortured neo Pte The only difference of opinion in the conference concerned the date which the regency should! be estab lished it was said by ah author itative source with the majority plan De enejted im mediately After the regency decision hadbeen reached Archbishop Damas kinos the presiding officer ad journed the conference I (The British Broadcasting Com pany said in London ft hart a 'dispatch from an Athens corres pondent quoting Prime I Minister Churchill as telling a press con ference in that city that I he Pres ident Roosevelt and Premier Stalin would review the Greek situation! in a meeting soon He added that! if the Greeks did not soon solve their CuS SIT Ham mW be necessary to rule the coun peace proposals offered by the Left Wing ELAS (National Liberation rontJ were de clared unacceptable members of party However other conference delegates agreed to amrider the ELAS terms The Populists are a Royalist Conserva tive group (The Ministry of Information In London reported that Churchill had tong conversations with Am bassador Lincoln MacVeagh at the British embassy in Athens today and informed him fully of the progress of the discussions) i th rviAM txlw djeu sed in the hotel in Athens fresh righting Joans ar using carriers for i Jap Trapper Hr By 4 i Bm mIv)' arSBi isUr I II.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.